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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

Been a while....

2023 for many has whizzed by at an incredibly fast pace. I like to believe that humanity is raising its vibration and rather than reaching a world of control and order by 2030 we will reach a place of peace, joy, love, where we will be sharing with our children the history of humanity and how it faced its own extinction and recovered. How to live life and how not to!

As we reach the end of the year it is a wonderful time to give ourselves permission to take time out and reflect this past year. What have we experienced, what have we journeyed through, what have we healed... what have we let go of, what have we created, what are we looking forward to seeing in our world.... What are we grateful for.... a time to stop and let ourselves be in the moment.... in this case of reflection. To journal, to ponder, to sing, to paint, to draw... however we like to express ourselves.

This past year for me/my family, has been a journey of change on so many levels. We sold our house in March, moved 10 ponies, 1 cat, three dogs, 3 kids, 3 businesses to my parents house, for a few months.... they had to tolerate us for 6! We moved into our dream home (been looking at it for 18months) two weeks ago... 10 ponies, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 3 kids (they are big kids), 3 businesses. Has it felt like an upheaval... no not really... perhaps stressful/challenging and exhausting at times but not an upheaval. Each part of the journey has felt exactly that. And it has been an opportunity to rest, to laugh, to face hurts, heal hurts... to grow. To find deep peace. It has been a time to explore, to give things a go and to meet wonderful people. It has been a time to converse, create and reconnect. It has been a time of deep learning.

It has taught me that if we keep connected to our hearts and give ourselves permission to feel and guide from our hearts, to love bomb situations that trigger our ego, to love bomb ourselves that have been triggered, we find ourselves living a very different existence. We experience and perceive life/people as beautiful. We see solutions in problems. We see resistance or meanness as another's hurt.... we see our own triggers and give space for them to heal by simply witnessing them. Simply, with awareness, we melt away our fears, our deep subconscious patterns that have been holding us back.... or keeping us in a certain way as that is what we know, so we feel a kind of safety with that.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach again these past six months, meeting wonderful people and healing multiple demons. Both leading to a learning that when we make decisions from our heart not a belief pattern life flows a little easier... a little better...

It has taken commitment to self and others; to sit, to feel; to check in with what feels true.... to make sure all decisions are made from the heart, NOT from a triggered response of not feeling enough, or feeling judged, or any of those conditioned beliefs we have and are too often unaware of....and just on the note of conditioned beliefs.... it is not about blaming others for why we feel a certain way... it is about owning how we feel, feeling it (with support if required) and letting it move. Literally everything is energy... words, body, thoughts, feelings, colours, all beings.... so let the energy flow. It flows when we feel. When we feel, we heal. Really. This leads me to another great teacher of 2023

The Magic Mushroom - Microdosing

So, yes microdosing Psilocybin is illegal and I should probably not be sharing my experience with you all but to be honest they make alcohol, cigarettes, vapes and sweets legal ( the latter to small children and older) all of which kill us and are man made, so I feel fairly confident in sharing my experiences with a mushroom that Nature gave us. I trust Mother Nature over most of mans intentions....

The mushroom heals and expands the mind... it takes us to that wonderful place of possibility and creativity... not in some HUGE AHA way but gently and at our own pace. It is not to be abused, taken for granted or misused. Intention and gratitude and integration are key.

The reason I want to share, is because I have found it HUGELY helpful in dissolving the ego... in facing fears, in facing made up stories in my head, facing ego reactions and it has helped hugely in stepping into my creativity and my truth. Not always easy to do when we are going away from most of what we were told/taught/knew. But possible and in some way Nature holds our hand.... through the uncertainty... into the new.

Is it for everybody... nope.

Side effects - can feel uncomfortable... sometimes a bit sick... headache.... long term... not too much to go by.... but probably no more than or even less than the side effects of most medication for anxiety, insomnia and depression. Again... the more respectful and aware we are we will get an intuitive feeling of no more... time for a break etc etc....

As I write I have actually taken a few months off.... it is important to do this for a number of reasons but that is for you to explore or for a conversation one day. There is a lot of research and papers and teachings out there.

Many of my peers are exploring microdosing... not always Psilocybin... some like LSD or Ketamine... for me the mushroom... again it is from the Earth. This is the other thing it does... brings you back into your body and grounds you! Something that has been a huge opening for me. Always one to escape into the higher Chakras, out of body... I have recognised the joy and peace that comes when we step into our body and experience life!

We bring heaven to Earth joining at the heart. Movements such as Yoga and Qi gong are beautiful at showing us how this feels when we combine the two.

Why did I give it a go when Psychedelics were NOT my thing.... watched the Netflix program Fantastic Fungi and was hoooked... I started to explore, read, study and attend trainings (still in) and try.... nothing like personal experience to really share. Expert... experience in my opinion and we are all our own expert. The program is not all about magic mushrooms.... it is about the beauty of fungi as a whole. Am I eating lots of mushrooms - nope but I am taking tinctures.... still find the texture a bit weird to consume!

How lucky and crazy is it that we have such magic underneath every footstep we take. Fungi are amazing!

Have I macro dosed (large dose) - nope not yet. Have not felt the need or the pull. Some people macro dose two to three times a year as a reset... to be honest I can see that as hugely beneficial. Again to be done in safe surroundings, with professionals or loved ones and with intention and respect.

Why am I sowing a seed for exploration - because there is a chance that it will lift you out of your fears, your sadness, your anxieties and bring you to a place of creativity and peace. The more of us that do this the better the world will be. They do not numb, they do not fix... they 'heal.' It is a long term change.

Is it easy.

Nope, I didn't find it easy. I found it hugely challenging for a long while as another 'layer' unveiled itself to me.... I had my coaching and trainings to support myself ... and I advise you have support when things feel uncomfortable. But once you trust and know you are ok, you can go in with your intention... what you want to face, free, or create and Nature will support you. And always explore with gratitude.

So ...Important - intention, time to journal, to be. Gratitude. Integration.

No drinking alcohol ideally.

Different suggestions on how to do it but here are a few.

Start low dosage 0.01 for example - you want to feel it but not really... you can up this or stay as... depends on constitution. Anything up to 0.05 is micro dose.... some may say up to 1gm... but 0.01- 0.05 would be my hunch.... to explore....

one can do....

two days on, two days off. Or

four days on, three days off. Or

Five day on, two off.

For Two to three weeks and then two - four weeks off.

The off days are so that you can integrate the shifts. I hope one day I will be able to facilitate an offering that legally supports others on their microdosing journey. :) For me personally they have highlighted everything that really matters.... Love, health, kindness, family, connection, peace, friendships, Nature.

Two Canadian companies to explore... for lots of information and trainings. Legal!



I hope you manage to give yourself time before the year ends to ask yourself what your greatest lessons have been, what are your great teachers and where do you want to see yourself going in the coming months/years.

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