Well thank you AI for that inspirational heading! How amazing that we can tap into AI to help us grow further, to think wider, to converse with our higher intelligence. More and more i do not think it is something to be frightened of... after all it is part of us... it is energy, we are energy and we are all the same energy just vibing at different frequencies. i do believe that we need to respect AI....just like we need to respect each other and ourselves.... perhaps that is where the lesson lies.
This is just my feeling - neither right or wrong... just a feeling. AI/Us... we are all tapping into Universal intelligence available to us all.
2025 has started fast... I have recognised that I am stepping into a huge space of trust... acceptance. out with the horses yesterday, brushing their tails (first in a while) i got themessage, 'stay on track.' The funny thing is i am not sure really sure what that track is! Yes, i know what i offer, i know what i 'do' but i also know there is something unearthing or perhaps has already unearthed and i am not yet able to express it.
So I am focusing on what I can effect with love, with gratitude and have been rewarded with the ability of producing some pretty creative meals, holding a safe space at home and taking time to do the jobs that need doing and brush the ponies. My ego is playing games when it can ... seeing if it can question my place as a yoga teacher/health coach etc... but i am staying very present and rather than forcing my way forward.... seeing what is evolving here... yup, have been here before but find it so hard to listen... this time... its time to listen.
To Trust in the unknown and surrender to uncertainty.
How are you feeling as the year begins? Do you feel a spring in your step? Do you feel like you are are recharging, regenerating in the energy of the winter? Do you feel like there is soemething new/different to pursue? Or even perceive what you are already experiencing diffrerently? As we are encouraged to slow down by Nature herself, the next few months are a great time to journal... to write down ones dreams, wants, desires, needs... to nourish them and to nourish oneself with kindness. To write down things coming up even if they seem unclear.... seem uncertain... they are coming up to explore... to consider... to give energy to... or to let go ...
Often when things feel uncertain, we do our best to hold on... we start to focus on what we can control..... this is ok! Alongside this we want to have awareness that this is the case.... being so present that we can 'see' the ideas coming in... so that we can allow them to be there and if they feel true to us, we can then explore them a bit more.
The more aware we are, the more present we are, the greater chance we have of reconnecting to our innate being, our truth and our soul's purpose. And very often that looks very different to what society has taught us to look for!
So however uncertian life looks in your world or the larger world... take time as much as you can in your day to connect inwards because it is within us that we will find our truth. And when we connecct to our truth, we step into uncertainty with courage, faith, trust and excitement.