For many years now, well since around the age of 12, my beliefs have not really matched up to those I love. The dots I have been told have appeared to be steamed in bullshit, untruths, control and greed. That feeling of 'it just doesn't make sense' has always lay within me. If I ever spoke up I was quickly shut down kindly or aggressively so chose not to share my 'weird' feelings that were going on deep inside. Why am I writing this today.. because I guess I spoke up today with a friend and got shut down again. I didn't mind this time, because I know the dots I was told do not add up but the dots I have been exploring these past two years do add up and they add up to the dots I had hunches about long ago. Have I followed my truth... when it comes to speaking up... I guess not... but perhaps it just wasn't my time and my time is near? Who knows... but what I do know is those hunches... those gut feelings ( that I feel truly grateful to be in touch with) are to be heard. These are our truths. They may make no sense to the outside world or even to you but trust them, follow them. Believe them.
To be honest, I still feel like I am going down the rabbit hole ... but I have found places to look, to read, people to speak to who are on the same page.... which then raises the question for me to look at... why am I surrounded by people who do not see what I do... should I have branched out in my life? OR do I have a lesson to learn in my evolution by being surrounded by those that think I am talking BS??? Again who knows... I am sitting with that... the thing is it is not that we expect people to agree with us when we share our ideas but we do need to be heard, we do need to be respected enough that our views are open for conversation or at least given the space to exist. And that is so important for every single one of us... if our views are not heard then where is the space for growth, creativity, opportunity??
Thank you to my husband, my kids, my animals and many new friends for giving me the space to share my findings. Of course I hope they will come to light and the world I have been dreaming of since a kid and believing can exist will start to shine through so bright, all the bullshit will just melt away. IF for some reason I am living another dimension, then I give you permission to lock me away with the herd ! HA