Wishing you all a very happy new year. Thank you for taking the time to connect with me and read my blogs - I appreciate you all hugely.
May this year be rich in gratitude, kindness, love, forgiveness and compassion. May you each heal any demons that have got stuck in the system, face them, feel them and then let them go!
When we hold onto our emotions and feelings we stagnate... stagnation builds up into sickness, anger, resentment, sadness, depression, anxiety... all those heavy feelings. When we let go, we feel lighter, brighter, freer, healthier and rich in loving kindness.
When you find yourself in your head, creating stories and scenarios that have not and are not happening. Place your hands on your heart, focus on the breath, notice how you are breathing, notice how you are feeling and come into the moment and just feel it, breathe it, be it. Bring yourself into your body. Feel your feet on the ground. Feel yourself earthed by Mother Nature. Notice all the details that are happening in this moment. Make this moment as detailed as you can with the sounds, smells, sights, tastes, touches in the moment, so the mind feels occupied but occupied with what is actually happening rather than what might be or what if ....! If this moment is challenging, see it for what it is and 'deal' with whatever is in front of you. From this place we remove all drama and everything is simply, what is. We become responsive rather than reactive.
Deepen your awareness practice daily. Be aware of the tiny movements that you see out the corner of your eye... of the bird you have not seen before... the moment in the leaves of the trees... etc etc... be aware of colour, changing colours, feelings physical and emotional.... how you feel in other people's presence. Do they hold space for you to shine or drain you? Beam your light and walk away if the latter!
Remember with awareness you have choice. You can always choose again. If something is not feeling or appearing right, choose again.
Embrace change... it is the one certainty in life.
Embrace you beingness... you are a human being, not a human doing.
Let go of judgment ... it only brings conflict. Let go of trying to fix... it is only a bandaid. Hold a space of love, of light instead... they will do their own healing then. Listening is one of the most powerful healing tools we have...
Be kind... kindness boosts our own immune system and those around us.
Hug... Hug lots. It boosts our happy hormones and immune system.
Be grateful. Say thank you more than you need. The more you give and give gratitude the more you receive. The cycle of life.
Give unconditionally.
Activate your vagus nerve... so head, gut and heart brain are communicating effectively.
Let go of what if... look only at what is.
Let go of control... embrace uncertainty.
Remember you are a light being rich in creativity and awesomeness.
Eat REAL foods - the amazing gifts from Nature called Vegetables, Happy reared and fed meat, herbs, fruits, nuts and grains. The stuff in the packages are NOT food. You are and become what you eat.
Read the label - if you do not recognise the ingredients, put the package back on the shelf however loud that voice on the shoulder is shouting - 'feed me!' Tell it very kindly, that you will feed it but a big banana or a juicy apple instead! The more you do this, them more you body will rewire itself and request the good stuff. The real stuff!
Supplement if you need to. Sometimes required when we need to reset. IF you are inflamed you need to reset. Alkaline foods are a must.
When you feed your body toxins also feed it minerals and vitamins so you toxin bucket NEVER overflows. Societies have allowed too many chemicals into the air and the earth so our bodies need to be supported daily.
Feed your mind/body creative, loving, exciting, happy thoughts... rewire the brain from the conditioned beliefs you set for yourself in the first seven years of your life. You are the director of your life so create the play you want to be in.... when we take control of our mind our potential becomes insane! It can take time to get there as society has told us to be insane is almost impossible, so it is deeply engrained but I promise you, we are all insane (by insane I mean amazing!) and have serious light and love to shine in our creativity. Let's do it this 2023. It is not about competition but about community and connection!
When you find yourself being triggered. SODA - Stop, observe what is triggering you, detach from the situation and then act - thank you deepak Chopra for that amazing tool!
And finally...
Book into one of my 'back to being' groups starting January or a 1:1 session if you want a holding hand in your transformational journey of health and wellbeing! :)