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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

Is it time to release the need to 'fix' each other?

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Of course there are times when fixing each other is a matter of life or death and for that we are truly grateful to those that can fix us to keep us alive! However many of us have this deep need to 'fix' or 'solve' any problem, illness, sadness, disappointment that we can. The idea of seeing anyone in discomfort has become so disturbing to our psyche that we desperately try to band aid it and yet, what would happen if we simply allowed the space for all these things to 'be,' to be 'felt,' to be 'faced,' to be heard.....? I believe we would all heal and transform.

For many, many years I have rushed into sharing my training and been so over enthusiastic to share it because it has helped me on my healing journey.... yet, this excitement was often met with overwhelm or confusion....the pace at which I was learning and sharing and experimenting with things was too much. I was desperately trying to fix people to get better or feel better and then would burn out.... finally I woke to the inner voice of stillness and just sat with the question... why do you need to fix everyone else....? How about looking at healing yourself daily.... healing is not an over night is a lifestyle, a choice and takes time, discipline and trust.

It wasn't the most comfortable of years but I sat and sat and allowed ideas to come in and healings to take place and did NOT run out to tell the world. I considered changing my 'world' completely, releasing the horses and starting a new vocation, 9 -5 in my favourite clothing shop! And yet here I am ..... writing to any of you that are reading it, sharing little messages of healing and hope for a more balanced, happier existence. What came out of my sitting was this.... we cannot 'fix' anyone. What we can do is listen, hold space for their or our own healing. Only we/they can do the healing. We can share tools, advise, but actually for an individual to really heal, to 'transform,' only they can do the healing. That is why a certain lifestyle choice will work for a time and then no longer work.... either because it has got a person to the next level of healing or because the person hasn't healed at all because he/she has been totally dependent on that person or supplement to 'fix' them, when actually they have to take responsibility for themselves and make the changes.... mentally, physically and spiritually. And lets be honest, change is the only constant in our human lives so we need to make peace with it and embrace it! Often the hardest bit to heal is the bit we have suppressed the deepest. The bit we really do not want to face or feel. But as we know feeling means freedom.

So, next time you rush out to fix a situation or someone maybe take a moment to stop, breathe, centre yourself into your heart and breathe some more. Hold the space for love, for listening, for silence and see what shifts, what differs... might be sad, uncomfortable, funny, fascinating... you never know. One thing for sure... you have just held space for them to no longer be a victim but to feel and be empowered.


For those local.... LITTLE reminder about my movement classes. I will be holding them through the summer so please feel free to pop in if you feel the need to create some vibrant energy and clear any storms!

Tuesday 5.30pm - Bourton village hall

Wednesday 9am - north Cadbury village hall \

Wednesday 5.30pm - Shepton Montague village hall

Thursday 9am - Bourton village hall

If you want to tailor a class at your home 1:1 or group this is also possible.

1:1 transformational life coaching - embracing the journey of being

Get in touch...

If interested in hosting a group for this please also get in touch... starting September. Maximum 8 in a group.

I cannot fix you but I can hold a beautiful space for you to embrace your journey in healing and transformation. A space that is safe and rich in the language of love.

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