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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

Its all in a feeling...

Short version....

Ever feel you say things about others or about yourself which you wish you didn't or that you feel a certain way around people and wish you didn't... these behaviours are born out of subconscious programming... to change them to kinder ways of living to self and others... be aware of your triggers, your beliefs and feel. The moment you allow yourself to feel, you will heal. For longer version... read on..

Very often we will wait for a sharp pain to wake us up from a sleepy slumber, our stagnated self, or our flighty, fleeing, out of body self which jolts us into a space where we feel the unknown, the uncertain… we are suddenly awake, embodied and it feels strange. Yet, feeling is healing and when we feel we flow. When we feel, we know. When we feel, we move, we create, we experience our bodies, our lives. We step out of survival mode and into an empowered, embodied state of living.

Our natural reaction is to fight, flee, or freeze when faced with a threat or an issue that unsettles us and makes us feel unsafe... and everyone of us has faced a small T or a big T in our life time(T=Trauma) and these get triggered if we do not face, feel and free them at the time… they can get tied up with repetitive thinking and then come rooted in our system as belief patterns… we then become reactive to things rather than responsive…. We allow things to get in our way, to prevent us from seeing things from a place of gratitude and love. These deep rooted patterns can make us behave in ways that are far from our innate, true being. We are so detached from our feelings we start to live life unconsciously failing to respond and change things if something doesn't feel good.

Recently, I was triggered to face a deep belief pattern without looking for it… I was triggered because my cup was half full, I hadn't slept and I was hormonal…. I reacted to some unkind words and in turn faced and released a lot of deep sadness. Within a couple of hours I was able to have gratitude in what I perceived to be an attack in that moment. Mainly because I had allowed myself to feel all the suppressed frustrations, anger, sadness and belief patterns...I had faced something deep… and have been able to reassure that little girl that I am wanted, very much and that I am enough. More than. It highlighted my need to be more assertive in life and that the unsaid will ALWAYS come up for us - either in words or in physical or mental issues… so we need to learn how to share … this can be hugely hard for many of us… but the more we align with our truth, the fuller our cup is with wholesome loving energy, the easier it becomes. If I had not allowed space to feel it... I would have stepped into a story of 'victim' instead of empowerment. The latter feels a whole lot better. We have to own our stuff and feel it to get there.

I share the above story as an example of how embedded our belief patterns are and that once we face and feel them we heal and we become kinder, more loving people. And so often these belief patterns can occur because of silly teasing or conversations that mean absolutely nothing to the adult self but until we make peace and reassure the child within that we are safe, we will continue to be triggered. When we do this we change the belief patterns and we are able to see things differently and we feel so much stronger and happier within. We recognise how reactive we are at times…. Because we are hurt, or because we do not feel enough, or because we don’t feel heard, or because we don’t feel we fit in… there are probably 6 deep belief patterns that we all have somewhere from Little T or Big T moments in our lives… and they shape us…. And most of the time unconsciously. 95 percent of our day is born out of our subconscious programming.. 5 percent we are actually conscious of… BUT we have the CHOICE to change this! The moment we become aware of our triggers, our belief patterns and recognise that we are not our reactions but our responses, we are able to rewire that programming and live by a new belief pattern.

We don’t have to… we might be content in our ‘fight or flight’ lifestyle but at some point it catches up on us… so we could just flow and reconnect to the truth that we are… kind, connected, loving beings. The noise, the conflict... none of it, absolutely none of it matters once we are reconnected to our hearts.

To get to these places though we have to feel… and feeling can be seriously uncomfortable… however it does not have to be long…. That is a myth. I have been playing with this concept quite a lot and have recognised that the moment you are aware you have been triggered or that you are feeling something.. feel it… what is going on for you… the moment we do this we empower ourselves because we are embodying our energy not trying to escape it or suppress it and when we do this it moves. Suddenly all the words and stories have no emotion attached to it and sometimes the story just dissipates completely and you have no memory of what it was you were healing in the first place. Crazy stuff! So much of our life is full of stories and noise that are nothing to do with us… we have just somehow made them part of our being… or we have perceived things to suit our emotion or story at the time… the moment we let all this go… we are free. Free, empowered beings. Our anger turns to peace, our control turns to release, our insistence turns to acceptance, our hate turns to love, our frustrations turn to forgiveness, our complaining turns to eternal gratitude.

Some will see it as selfish or self obsessed to feel .... it is definitely not either... because by feeling and healing we are contributing a better version of ourselves to all those around us and to the world beyond. Does it feel better to be resentful or kind? I think we all know the answer to that one, however shut down we are...

And hey, these things take practice. You may play with tools, lots of tools for a time… moving and grooving through different methods as you grow… but the moment we find ourselves embodied we feel safe. Bringing our energy fields into the body and emanating our energy from our core we have a deep knowing that we are far more than we think we are… we are everything, everyone, we are the awareness of all and we are connected in mind, body and spirit. It is our awareness that brings us to this space of presence. It is awareness that gives us choice. It is our presence that gives us strength, peace and the conversations with God, the Universe, Source, Consciousness...

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