I feel like we are at peak transition... are we going to keep feeding the darkness or are we going to step two feet into the light and let go of the world we once knew. Are we going to be courageous enough to follow what 'feels' right in our hearts and start creating a world that supports not only ourselves but every being experiencing life on this planet, Earth.
The darkness, the control, the desperation of ego wanting to be noticed, to be in charge, to be 'successful,' can be very exhuasting and can deplete our energy levels, in turn making us less able to lean towards the light. We become a little bit numb, a bit lost, anxious, scared... or boisterous and frightening. Yet, if we give oursleves permission to feel the discomfort, to recognise that it is the outside world that is effecting our energy, our health, our wealth, our beliefs, we have this wonderful choice.... do we choose to continue to stagnate and feel stuck or do we find ways to shake off this discomfort and raise our vibration. Raise our energy.
When we raise our energy, little by little, we become lighter, happier, healthier... we head towards the light. And as the light starts to melt away the darkness, we remember we are the light. We are light beings, embodied in these incredibly physical bodies, here to experience life on Earth.
I spend more and more time with our animals and in nature, seeing how incredible they are at staying in the light. They get knocked off centre when they feel unsafe... are hungry... thirsty or feeling unloved. Once reminded how much they are loved, their light beams out once more.
The lesson. Love is the answer. Love brings the light. Love melts away all judgement. Love brings peace. Love diminishes fear. Love is what will bring peace on Earth.
I invite you to take a breath. Powerful breath in through the mouth and a powerful breath out through the mouth. Do this five times.
Notice how you feel.
Now, inhale and push tummy out like a balloon. Exhale, deflate the balloon. Repeat five times.
See if you can take that inhale through the ribs, and into the chest, up to the collar bones.
Notice how you feel.
Now, tap your chest 15 times, rub your hands together for three breaths or so.
Notice how you feel.
You have rasied your energy, shifted the dark and embraced the Light.
Remember you are th
e LIGHT. Shine bright.