I love this photo. The light shining down through the branches feels so powerful and warm. Light is certainly something we all want to be connecting with right now and doing our best to keep our light shining bright. I am really focusing on bringing my energy back inwards. I think too often we scatter our energy far and wide by putting our attention in way too many places and then before we know it we are shattered, depleted. We no longer know which is our energy and which is the energy of someone or something else.
We are energy beings and this energy is light, so when we are centred, grounded and strong we can shine and share this light. This is not always easy when life feels challenging or the world feels unsettled. But the more we connect to our breath, to this moment, to our Awareness, we start to embody our energy and re centre ourselves and this enables us to feel stronger, safer and okay. Our choices from this place are 'soul' choices rather than 'conditioned' or 'reactive' choices which brings about a more peaceful world for each and every one of us.
How can we recenter.
Move... get that energy going in the body.
Breathing exercises. Breath of Fire, Ujayi breath - both great tools
Complete breath - in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four.
Connect with friends, with family.
Drink herbal teas. I am enjoying Holy Basil tea right now - great for calming the nervous system and supporting the adrenals!
Central channel breathing. Bring your awareness to your central channel - the 7 main chakras - energy centres- moving up and down the body. Embrace Mulabandha (squeeze the anal muscles and all muscles there, as if you are holding in a wee) and then take your awareness up into the heart, the throat, the third eye - centre of the brow- and above)
Then connect in with the breath. Inhale from the crown of the head down to the heart, squeezing the third eye, the throat (ujayi), the heart and Mulabandha and exhale down through to the feet. Inhale from feet to heart and then exhale to crown of head. Keep going. I have adapted this from an exercise taught by Dr Sue Morter.
Practice Present moment Awareness. Really be aware of your body, your breath. Stay in this moment. In this moment you cannot think of to do lists or give attention to stories to create drama... we are in this moment and this moment only.