I was contemplating the madness of the rules and regulations we as humans have allowed to come into our day to day. In particular I was thinking about how smoking and drinking are illegal for children under the age of 18,16; driving is illegal under the age of 17... but they are allowed to go under the knife and have irreversible operations to change their sex from the age of 3. Apparently they know their minds for those decisions but not whether or not to have a cigarette or a glass of beer, which I am not condoning but they are two things that come with choice and one can choose to do and then choose not to do. Having an Hysterectomy or taking hormone pills is a decision that once made does not have any choice. From what I have read, many kids that have chosen these routes regret it heavily by the time they reach their 20's. It is fact that as we grow up we want to explore and it might be we want to explore our sexuality... and then we might find that the exploration we made is not for us and we detour back to something else... to allow kids under the age of 18, to make irreversible physical decisions is child abuse. It really is. Any person in authority that allows a child to make these decisions and even go ahead and prescribe or operate on these kids is not acting from a place of loving kindness but from a place of ego, control and greed. We are educating our kids to play the victim rather than empowering them in every area of their experience of growing up. It is criminal. It really is. It blows my mind that we actually think it is ok. Fine if in your 20's one is still having the same feelings and one is sure then absolutely the choice is that Childs/adults to change their sex for good. But till that point, encourage them to live through less (what could be) destructive, irreversible measures.
How have we over complicated the language of sexual relationships with oneself and others? Where has the simplicity of hetrosexual, homosexual, transexual gone? Why can we not just identify as ourselves rather than over complicating everything so that we can shout at someone for getting it wrong because we have decided to change from he, to she, to they/there in 72 hours. If we encouraged our peers and our children to focus on growth, on getting out of their heads and into their hearts, to reconnect to Nature and our connection to her...if we spent less time thinking about ourselves and the offensive remarks others make and got our heads out of everybody else's lives, we might just find that we are happier, healthier, better beings.
No doubt this will 'offend' someone but there is absolutely no intention of offence in my writing today. I simply intend to hold space, create space for my family, my friends, my clients, my readers to recognise how damn special they are just as the being they are and to stop wasting time getting lost in these crazy conflicts and focus solely on expanding their consciousness and moving into a world of creativity, opportunity and potential. I hope that we will create a space for all these kids to realise that life is more simple than they are making it... more joyful... more colourful than they have been led to believe. To help them relieve the anger and resentments and find benevolence for themselves and all creatures great and small. I hope we will be able to teach them connection instead of disconnection.
Maybe today just simply take the time to touch the grass, to touch a tree... to reconnect to all that is.... the energy that connects us all.