It has certainly been the case in my life time that we have not always been told the truth and in the past few years I feel we have been fed lie after lie however, I personally feel that the truth is starting to shine through. As uncomfortable as it is going to be for us to learn that much of what we 'believe' to know as gospel is in fact the opposite, it is going to bring a huge sense of empowerment and strength to Humanity and will give Humanity a chance of survival. Because this extinction we face is not climate change but ourselves. We are the problem to it all.
We have become so indoctrinated, controlled, disempowered by those who have been in power that we have forgotten the power we possess as individuals to connect, to heal, to be.... to be successful in whatever we choose, to be able and to grow.
We have been numbed by lies and by an education & the entertainment system that shuts of our creativity and capabilities and led to believe that we are more like machines than miracles of life, of energy of creativity. We have been led to believe we are all separate but in fact we are deeply intertwined.
Many of us have been down rabbit holes, opening up cans of worms we might have preferred to keep the lid on but we have been there all the same and we now question everything... and by questioning everything how do we know what is true? We don't... unless we are experiencing it ourselves... we have no idea! But what we do know is our own truth.... our Hearts truth... we know what lifts us, what sinks us... what is pure, what is not...
and it is our hearts that are going to lead us out of fear and control and into light, love and freedom... It is our own personal truth in our micro world that is going to impact the whole. The greater we know ourselves, the greater we become and the more connected we become to the hearts language - forgiveness, compassion, kindness, love, patience...- the greater impact we will have on the world at large, founding a happier place for Humanity, born out of love and truth and dissolving the old born out of fear and control.
We cannot change the past... it has been done... but we can create new. We can create the beautiful... I invite you to join me for connection, conversation... founded from the heart and the heart only - no rabbit holes, no judgements (you did what?), a place to share our truths... a place we can ask for help/guidance... and a place we can step into manifestation and miracles by unearthing our truths, the truths of our soul and the spirit in our hearts.
Please contact me via the site for more information.
Exercise ...
Take a Huge inhale for 1,2,3,4 and exhale through the mouth for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, - keep going .... centre your attention on your central channel... feeling the breath move you, heal you and calm you.
Sat Nam beautiful people xx