If we look at our society.... every aspect of it is 'controlled' by rules, regulations, demands, expectations....
We look to create business, employ people, create something wonderful... rules, regulations catch you at evey corner... another bill, another tax.... it seems they want to make it as hard as possible for anyone to use their creative spark. I guess if they do there is noone left to follow the orders.
We try and help in charity, adopting animals, providing food for others and there are so many rules, regulations here that it often puts you off.
Why have we lost the ability to trust in ourselves, in each other.
We demand from our kids from day one to aspire to society expectations... you must speak, walk, read by this age... you must behave like this.... who the 'fuck' says! Let them be... let them breathe... let them grow when and as their bodies plan.
We take genius's to the crowds then get blinded by the money.... we destroy the genius's.... they either have too much to say and a platform to reach millions or they cannot cope with teh rules, regulations, demands and expectations.... there is this message... money will set you free.... yes, true in this world money allows you to feed yourself, shelter yourself, water yourself, clothe yourself and do whatever you want with it when you have excess.... does it bring you freedom once you have seen to those essentials?
Does it not bring conflict, want for more, for perfection? Or are we able to create, and continue to create for the Highest good of all?
How do we find a way.... to be free? To step out of the matrix and into freedom. With care, with kindness, with connection....to remember our innate intelligence and to lead with that. Perhaps it is just one step at at time mentally and physically. And in each of those steps its being at peace within. To let go of the fight, to see from love and to be.