Activity on the farm....
Well, for starters the grass is growing rapidly! We have found lovely peeps to cut some of the fields to give us our winter hay - feels very exciting to know the hay will come from the land. We are cutting a path through the land so that beings can walk through without battling through the wild grasses, unless they so choose. So far only broken one machine! Yup, it was the only machine but hey... we live and learn! Fortunately the chap that sold it to us is very happy to take it back and we have been advised to invest a little bit more in a second hand tractor with bits to add on! Will keep you posted! :) Alongside this we are exploring many conversations with wonderful people about cows, kune kune pigs, ( a dream sown back in my trips with the kids to battersea zoo 15 years ago!), Wiltshire horn lambs - to have some more grass eaters and fascinated to see which bits they eat! Also excited to nourish the soil with so much variation of poo!
Another thing on the new to animal, land care/rewilding/regenerating list.... how to measure the quality of our soil?!
Any tips gratefully welcomed. :)
We have also managed to plant some veggie seeds and one has germinated! We think it is a cucumber! Of course we didn't put little tags to say what is what.... leaves a little bit of surprise and excitement! One step closer to our pick your own idea..... let's watch the space...
Accommodation is up and running... so far so good... the hens have made our guests amused and provided yummy breakfasts... and left their mark wherever they can! The horse and sheep have been very welcoming so far.
Rambling 1....
Conversations at the moment seem to be highlighting the uncertainty in, not only the world, but also in each individual's life. This has, as we know, been the case for a very long time now but it seems to have amplified big time. Anything that has not been dealt with is raising itself to the surface to be faced, to be felt, to be freed. The issue with this is that it is very often quite uncomfortable. And when something is uncomfortable, rather than feeling, we choose to control. Yet, the truth is, we have no control. We have choice, we have the power to create, to be in flow... but we cannot control because control involves restriction and restriction opposes the flow of life. Feelings are to be in flow. Emotions are energy in motion. Change is flow. Uncertainty is flow because it is the energy of surrender, acceptance that there is something greater, that is part of us, when we let ourselves remember, that is guiding the show.
The more we try and control, the more we stagnate, the more we face a fight, whether external or internal, micro or macro.
In this state of needing to control, we lose sight of our truth (or we numb it down) and we start imagining scenarios that might happen if we were to speak our truth (very often negative or dramatised) and it seems so frightening and uncomfortable that we shut it down even more. But our truth will ALWAYS find its way out of the darkness and into the light. Whether it be through feeling, pain, disease, discomfort, environmental changes etc...
And there is a gentle way of facing our truths.... by focusing on what we want to see in our lives. Not letting the how get in the way... not letting the 'it's inconceivable' stop us from dreaming, imagining, creating the life we choose, we believe in, that we want to see not just for the highest good of ourselves but also for the highest good of all. When we do this we find the courage to have the conversations that might need to be had...the courage to write, to draw, to paint, to play, to laugh, to share, to be just who we were born to be. The courage to change, to heal, to grow, to let go, to reconnect, to remember.
Rambling 2
Sharing on social media and what we perceive to perfect or success.
It is a funny thing social media because if we are not feeling centred and strong and we see something 'another' has 'successfully' achieved on their post and we have not (yet)... we immediately go into 'compare and despair' mode or something similar. It is bonkers!
What can we do.... we can say - wow that is amazing... genuinely. And then we can return to ourselves and look at what we have done.... and for some of us, on some days, loading the dishwasher... doing the ironing.... getting to work... saying hello to another... putting food on the plate is a huge success and it is so important that we say well done to ourselves, especially if struggling.
I have heard many sad stories recently about people choosing to move on back into the light, leaving the Earthly experience behind, well before their time. Some would say this is a cowardly decision. I would offer that it is a very courageous decision and perhaps often a decision that we could change if we had a different perception on success and what is perfect.
Success seems to be measured too often on grades, on wins, on what you are doing, on what you are earning, what you will earn, on who you know, on what you can show for it, on how famous you are within your community or in the big world...but how about if we measure success on the the following...
Did we smile today? Did we laugh today?
Did we smile at another?
Did we play?
Were we kind to ourselves and to others?
Did we replace judgement with forgiveness?
Did we replace fear with love?
Did we give unconditionally to another?
Did we contribute to our health today?
Did we sleep well?
Did we move?
Did we allow ourselves to receive as well as give...?
Did we create to contribute to a more peaceful, loving world...?
Weirdly, some of these can be far more difficult for many than following the 'usual' path of success.
Maybe something to consider/play with.
A friend said to me that she was relieved to hear that I still swore and I still had a laugh because my 'social' posts show me to be so 'sorted'... she has known me at my least sorted! Am I sorted... are we ever? We are always growing, and learning and healing... I do know that we are powerful and that we 'create' the world we want to experience. And I do know that when we are aligned, the flow of life happens and it is beautiful. And I do know that this feeling of flow, peace, love and connection is here for us all. Sorted... I would say aware. Aware that I am not the thoughts in my head... I am the awareness of them. Anyway I diverse.... my point of bringing this up with my friend is that my posts were beginning to make her feel uncomfortable that she had not made some changes... not my intention at all. Of course, we cannot know how one is going to perceive what they see but the reality is to share happy posts gives out a different vibration to depressing, scary ones... we want to spread the energy of happy! And again this comes back to one looking at what they see and going that is cool, that is beautiful or wow.... and then going back to oneself and looking at what one has in one's own life and stepping into gratitude and the energy of creativity. if there is something you would like more of in your life... ask for it... believe it.... be it! You have that power to create the impossible.
That is the truth.
I opened instagram to the lovely Charles Mackesy .... 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox the Horse' to see this...
"what do you want to be when you grow up?'
"Kind" the boy replied.
And it just hit me with so much joy...maybe if we focused more on what we want to 'be' rather than what we want or are going to 'do'... we might contribute to a happier world. It really sung out to me... such a simple question, and I am a preacher of being, yet I have never asked that question... my conditioning has been so engrained in asking ... 'what do you do? What do you want to do... ?'
So grateful for that little message I just received.
The question is so much softer.... it connects to something deeper.
What do you want to be? :)
For guidance in how we can be a little more of a human being rather than a human doing please see our site where you can browse a wonderful offering for the Autumn a journey in being. If you are intrigued by the gift of the horses teachings and presence you will find more information about this here too. Please share with friends and family if it feels right.
Much gratitude, love and light