So society is told not to drink, not to use your phones too much, not to smoke, eat processed foods or take drugs because they are bad for you and yet billions go into all of these things to make sure that we all consume at least one of them. I really believe we need to wake up to this now and bring in more of the good stuff! We need to recognise that all of the above, however fun they are for a time, are addictive, destructive, divisive and making many of us sick.
This is not a message to say ....DON'T... it is a message to say BE AWARE... then at least you have choice in how much you consume any of the above. If you can honestly embrace any of the above so they bring joy and no 'down' then you have discipline and deep awareness but make sure you are being fully honest with yourself because every single one of the above numbs us from our creativity. I have enjoyed and then abused ( in my past) most of the above and thanks to my body shouting out, 'stop!' and getting incredibly sore and swollen and my mental health being pretty mental I was given a choice to continue or to listen. I listened. I have seen the ups and downs of all the above from a place of 'Awareness'... after all that is what we are..... and there is no doubt that they all give us a lift... mostly temporary... but with that lift, comes the low or the down... but society doesn't teach us that... we have to work that out when we get ill or our marriage breaks down or we feel depressed or we are overweight...but many don't even join the dots or are too frightened to join the dots... because the idea of 'waking up' when we have been numbed for so long is overwhelming, perhaps even scary. If we choose to wake up we have to deal with our shit and possible make changes and choices and that can be super frightening. But when we deal with our shit, we grow, we heal, we expand and we create and all of that makes us feel GOOD!
We are born awake and are meant to be awake individuals through our life.... when we are awake we are connected to beautiful things, to each other. The high is natural, real... and when it comes down it is not with a bump... it is just what is... then we go up again... it is like an even wave.... more fun to ride the waves than be stuck and numb on the beach looking at the wave or jumping on a wave and seeing how it goes to then fall off it....
I gave up drinking for 5 years over 12 years ago because it was having an impact on my marriage and my role as a mother. In those 5 years, I faced some uncomfortable truths and I did some deep healing but I also became super creative.... and created some beautiful projects and a beautiful home with my husband for our family. I then found drinking again... not like I had drunk - I had abused it in the past... -this time it suited me for a while but very quickly made me depressed and my creativity and confidence started to vanish again. I stopped again for another three years.... creativity flowed and joy returned and more deep healing! Then drank again for a year, maybe only once a week but even that triggered something that made me stop much sooner. Not only did I feel numb again and lost, my body reacted immediately. I have stopped again. The only reason I am ever tempted by a drink now is because that it is perceived as so normal and part of life and I have that conditioned urge to fit in... or to numb a challenging day. 99.9 percent of the time, I manage to ride the urge and choose something better for me and that is a 'feel good' factor in itself.... I am not saying that is a bad thing if it is one or two...or three... but it is just interesting that it is just the norm for so many of us and so deeply conditioned in our bones to look for an escape route rather than facing things and allowing them to move on.
What I have realised is it is not just because of the physical that I want out but because I have now recognised that creativity is my power to truly living my life. Not being held back by stagnation. You are probably thinking why doesn't she just stop but I want to end my relationship with it without replacing it with something else... so for me it has been a process and I am fortunate I was able to do it this way alongside my yoga training and teaching. it is the same with processed foods and sugar,.. I probably eat once a year now... and I notice the uncomfortable up and the more uncomfortable down. My joints swell and I feel a bit moody. And none of this is easy because society encourages it all!!! So truly I am just writing with a little note to say, how about making 2023 a year of awareness... how do these things make you feel... and about bringing in more and more things that are kind to your mind, body and soul because I can vouch that they all raise your vibration and make you feel a lot lighter.
The other thing with many of these things is they make us behave in a way that is not us... they make us feel like we are fitting in and yet we are not being integral to ourselves. I often wonder if you stripped away all the above how much people's communities would change... how they would put their energy into more wholesome ways of living instead of the more frivolous, superficial lifestyles we very often create for ourselves which can be exhausting!
All the above things that we are told not to do but encouraged to do, will hold us back from our superpowers, our truth, our creativity and integrity as they shut down our pineal gland, they make our bodies work hard to be healthy, they encourage a survival mode existence, which depletes us and holds us in a cycle of stagnation and entrapment.
So, I invite you to increase your awareness around mobile phones, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, processed foods, cigarettes and increase your self care routine, your self love practice so that if you are going to do these things, you counter balance the side effects with days off, good sleep, healthy foods, healthy thoughts, supplements to detox the body of chemicals (chlorella, barley grass, activated charcoal, green clay, to name a few) breathing practices, meditation practices, walking in Nature etc.....
You start doing this you will see sparkles of light in your life that lift you. You will notice your auto immune or colds or coughs improving. You will notice your mental health improving. You will notice the joy that reside within you, not outside of you. You will remember you superpower, connected to unlimited potential and creativity.