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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

We are Energy ...It is as simple as that x

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

In 1927, the emergence of quantum physics rewrote the science of classical physics by revealing that the Universe consisted of only one realm … Energy. The appearance of “matter” is an illusion resulting from photons of light engaging with, and being reflected by, energy fields. A Founding Father of quantum physics, Max Planck, acknowledged in 1927, “The mind is the matrix of all matter.” Simply, the “mind” is the creator of matter. That insight is still a fundamental tenet of quantum physics. In fact, in a recent issue of Nature, the most prestigious of scientific journal, an article by physicist R. C. Henry concludes: “The Universe is immaterial - it is mental and spiritual. Live and enjoy.”

Cutting to the chase, and hoping to save a few thousand words, we quote Albert Einstein, “The field (energy) is the sole governing agency of matter.” While conventional medicine and classical physicists focus on the material realm in understanding disease, quantum physics emphasizes the role of mind, an energy field, in shaping our biology. This conclusion is supported by the new science of epigenetics, which emphasizes how environment and consciousness shape genetics and behavior. Add to this fact, that current biology recognizes that only 1% of disease is connected to genes, while over 90% of disease is due to stress, a consequence of mental activity.

In one sense, the body is a mechanical vehicle, and as such is operated by a “driver.” Vehicles in the hands of a “good” driver have a long, functional life, while the vehicles of “bad” drivers are in frequent need of repairs, or even replacement. The health of a body is determined by the character of the driver, the mind. A “stressed-out” mind, the expression of a “bad” driver, is responsible for creating up to 90% disease by mismanaging the body’s systems. I use the terms “good” and “bad” here not as a judgment of right or wrong, only to illuminate the importance of the quality of awareness when “driving.”

This conclusion is important because it reveals we have inappropriately emphasized disease as a breakdown of the body’s mechanics and sought the help of pharmaceuticals to resolve the problem. How’s that working? Conventional pharmaceutical drugs are responsible for over 300,000 iatrogenic deaths per year in the U.S. alone! We don’t need more drugs, what we need is “driver education.”

Current science now recognizes the role of consciousness as the primary etiology creating illness. This insight is apparent in understanding the mechanics of the placebo and noceboeffects. From 1/3 to 2/3 of all “medical” healing is attributed to the positive thoughts driving the placebo effect and not to the drugs or surgeries used in treating disease. More important, is the awareness of the nocebo effect, wherein negative thoughts alone can create any disease, and even cause one to die.

The planet’s prevailing healthcare crisis will wane once we forgo the expenses of the pharmaceutical approach and emphasize healing disease via the power of the mind. Just imagine the impact on humanity when the trillions of dollars in current drug sales could be redirected to support the vitality of society and the enhancement of Nature. A pharmaceutical-free world will have more playtime and more playgrounds, symptoms of a healthy society.

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