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Our Team.

Elizabeth Gasson Hargreaves

I am a Functional Medicine Practitioner and a Registered Nutritional Therapist 



15 years ago, my son Charlie had less than 24 hours to live had he not received vital antibiotics which saved his life. He was 6 weeks old and had bacterial meningitis.  

Following his recovery, I had two choices:  to live with fear every time my son became unwell or to start to understand what it was that made him so susceptible to this disease - or dis-ease within his microbiome. 

I have since been on a journey of discovery and realise that disease is more likely to be about the internal environment. This made me understand how important microbes were; not just for us internally, but for the soil in which we grow our food. The soil in our gut and the soil in the ground are deeply connected. As Franklin Roosevelt said, “the Nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself”.  

I believe that everyone has the right to healthy food, grown in a way that preserves our soil, not destroys it.  


Sally Abbot




Clare Torday 




Jo Richards 

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