So today is 22/2/22 and just to add some more 2's to my day I am going to meditate at 2.22 with my great friend Elizabeth and all the furry friends! I hope if any of you read this in time you will too! Who knows where this day of two's will take us. Some say it is a portal.... manifesting all those dreams we have been working hard on... some share it is about relationships.... others that it is the breaking and building of new... To be honest they all sound pretty good to me! So I am in thanks!
Finding it a bit hard to get going today... had a pretty 'on it' day yesterday so feeling pretty peaceful with not being able to run around like an adrenal junkie! Actually it blows my mind how I used to run around on nothing... it is unsurprising that be burn out and blow up! When did we transition from human beings to human doings???
Being a human being is so much more fun... we are allowed to feel peaceful. We are allowed to work for our needs, rather than for what is expected... whether that be via pressure, finance, physical or mental expectation.... etc... so much f.... expectation on everyone... especially our kids. I talk often with my kids about the school environment... what the fuck are we doing to our kids? Teaching them mostly the same shit we learnt 30 years ago? I am sure life has moved on??? Science definitely has! History sure has.... we don't like to let go... it is so strange. Maybe we are too numb from doing! Telling them to take the same stagnant path we took... exams, more exams, year off if you are fortunate enough to be able to, university, then job if you are lucky with a shite load of debt hanging over you. Seriously why are we so straight....? Education has not changed... surely we can whizz it up a bit... ????
And now with the internet do we really think they want to learn out of a text book, especially one written 30 years ago, just reedited each year so it looks a little bit more progressive. And for our teachers, surely we want to inspire them???? Why in Medicine is Nutrition, mental wellbeing teachings, energy medicine, not up there with the ever evolving science? I believe, and may be wrong, it is like a little side addition. I assume the science is ever evolving.... one would hope. Because science is after all, always evolving and being able to ask questions.. no? And the science I am reading about (because I have choice - for which I am super grateful) is a long way off what our kids are being taught.... why has the education system not caught up???
Anyway, as human beings we want to learn, to evolve, to create.... being told or expected to 'do' all the time.... we are not empowering ourselves to be the magnificent energy beings that we are....
Maybe if we allowed our kids to lead the way a little bit in sharing what they are learning... teach them how to find and extract information from a web of information.... how to be a human being among all the information...taught them how to connect to what they love... maybe if we did this, we would all feel more inspired, less constricted, less bored, less irritated.... more peaceful, more present. I believe the sooner we see ourselves as a river of energy, the more alive we will become, the happier we will become. We will not feel so disconnected, so sick all the time. We will feel alive, vibrant and actually be proud to be a human being!
Happy Two day on this Tuesday!xxx
Note aside...
I have just discovered Hang Massive - great music... maybe take a listen. :)
I have rediscovered Burdock tea. Great for cleansing the blood. Having been sitting through some uncomfortable moments of healing have decided its time to grow out of the mud as we grow out of the winter and step full heartedly into Spring!
Oh and maybe take a moment to turn up the music.... and move... shake... dance... wiggle that booty. :)