We use the words, Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, ADD.... neurodiversity so freely these days, without thinking sometimes. Each time we describe a child as one of the above are we not holding them as a victim rather than empowering them by focusing on all that they are.... brilliant, beautiful human beings? They might be one or all of the above... but who is saying that it is a problem? How about we see the magic they bring as the solution to a broken system. Maybe it is not the child who has a 'problem' but the system that IS the problem. Why are we so frightened to say that out loud? Perhaps it is too overwhelming to ponder how we might change the system. Brave souls are... and i hope that we are slowly doing the same... all of us in our own time. I know we made big changes in order to try and work the system.... if i had been braver i would have done more....
We create so much conflict for ourselves, within our homes, within the relationships between system and family.... just by trying to fit in.... to excuse our child for being different or not 'ffiting' in and yet they are perfect. They are landing in our homes to say - Start asking quesitons.... stop following the crowd..... step into an empowered being and stop getting stuck in playing the victim. Making excuses for ourselves only comes to bite us in the bottom at some point. And for what... so we can say we did what others did... so we can feel part of....
Maybe instead of using the words above we use... my kid is awesome he/she is creating the new... leading the way... showing a different perspective of how to learn.....
Maybe if we removed all processed sugar from our diets much of the above would mellow... maybe not disappear but mellow.
Maybe if we listened unconditionally, loved unconditionally, rather than focusing on the issues we would see change....
We might have to make changes in our own lives to accommodate new perspectives, new ways of facing challenges but maybe that will be our healing too?
I just wonder if we are not seeing clearly the message being put in front of many of us and rather than seeing it we create a problem, an excuse as change just seems too challenging... too daunting.
The moment we step into empowerment and empower our kids we see changes that are rich in possibilities and potential, creativity and connection.
We see flow.... we embrace change... we embrace uncertainty... we step out of that sticky stagnant feeling, standing stuck on the sand and instead jump onto and ride the wave.
Where in your life do you play the victim... when do you hide behind the victim rather than stepping into your truth, your empowerment. Where in your life might you allow others to be the victim as it feels safe, controlled....?