Both Change and Uncertainty are two things that are certain and yet we do try so hard to be in Control. For some reason control gives us some sort of safety net, some sort of purpose. Problem arises when we recognise that we are out of alignment with our truth, with our hearts desires and we start to suffer physically or mentally. To transition from control/thinking to our emotions/freedom/ heart can be super challenging because we suddenly have to rediscover peace having no control! To have peace in all life's uncertainty. And as we transition we can feel deeply sad, we can feel deeply lost and we can feel deeply insane... but every time we re centre and bring ourselves back to our body we remember that we are not mad, not sad and that all these emotions are just clearing so that we can remember the pure, joyful, peaceful being that we are. It is unsurprising that we feel overwhelmed when we suddenly have 'time' to chill to explore moments after years and years of education and controlled environments. Where we are given enough freedom to believe we are not trapped but not enough freedom to embrace critical thinking and common sense. Life can feel intimidating and overwhelming. I suppose that is why we stick ourselves back into the system over and over again.
But I feel the brains of our children are very different and more expansive and we need to cherish and nourish this... I sent all ours into the system... if I had been braver I may have gone down other routes but I still had too much social conditioning to melt away.
Education is key in that it teaches us to learn but I am not sure we are teaching them progressively. I mean they are still learning what I and millions of others learned 30 years ago! And we all know that life has changed and transitioned hugely since then!
Anyway... education is not the subject.. embracing change and uncertainty is and the more we move, the more we breathe and the more we connect inwards the easier it is to face the challenges that come with this embrace. We lose the fears and remember the love. We remember what it is like to feel free. And in freedom we remember to live.
Before I sign off... little reminder that movement classes start Wednesday 9am (20th) and then will take place every Tuesday 6pm and Wednesday 9am going forward till early July. Come around the back, bring your own mats and meet in the garden.
£10 and very much looking forward to guiding the sessions
. x
Mondays (starting 25th) 9am time with the herd.
Love, Light and Laughter to you all x