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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

Coming back to centre

I feel very fortunate that much of my day to day brings me back to my centre... the noise of the outside world can knock us off quite quickly if we are not aware. So much of who we are has been conditioned by social teachings, demands and belief patterns that were created through observation, experiences and learned behaviour. This conditioning and these belief patterns, very often cause glitches along the way and knock us right off centre.

When we become aware of our behaviours and triggers we can start to ask... what is going on here...? Most of the time we will have been knocked because we don't feel enough, or we have not been heard, or we don't feel needed etc etc... these are all deeply embedded belief patterns. In our hearts, we know we are enough, that we are needed, that we are heard... because we surround ourselves with people that nourish these 'new' belief patterns rather than surrounding ourselves with those that feed the old. We are able to rewire the brain to perceive differently and in turn that brings us back to centre, back to who we truly are.

A common one is making 'someone' else's behaviour our own 'fault.' Or we might go out on the attack and 'think' they don't want to speak to us.. so we won't speak to them either! or we will people please to make sure everyone is happy and we feel safe again... neither are good for our boundaries or energy levels. When one actually digs into this... why does one do this? Why do we think we have done something to upset (when we know in our hearts we have not) if someone we love is not speaking to us or responding to us (highlighted 100 times now with 24hr contact).... 99 percent of the time it is actually because they have a lot on, or they are struggling.... why do we make it about us?

It is an interesting deep dive.... I have done this in my time ... plenty! And something triggered me recently to do it again and I am fascinated....mostly because it is wasted energy and I want to reserve my energy for creating beauty and space for myself and other beings to grow in and enjoy... but it is part of the journey and it is part of our growth to look at these things, face them, feel them and then free them... we can then realign.

Is it a need to be loved?

to be enough?

To be accepted?

To be part of?

When you find yourself triggered... sit with it... and dip into these questions... and when your answer comes up... dive in and reassure your whole self, that inner child too, that you are all of these things and most importantly that your adult self can tell your child self that you are. Some will see self exploration as 'selfish' or time wasted but it does not need to take long and it helps us to grow into a better, kinder, calmer, happier, wiser person... and when we are these things we have a positive impact on all those we encounter. It helps us to transform into a happier/healthier being, our vibration rises and we are more attractive to be around. It is in fact beneficial for more than one! I will point out that healing will take longer if you don't feel the discomfort. We have to feel to heal. Really. And the moment we do, it moves through pretty darn fast. For more info on this please get in touch.

How can we come back to centre ...

The breath... with us at all times, is the magic go to, the bridge between the unconscious and conscious world. Take a few moments a day to be conscious of your breath. Play with it. Deep belly breaths. Long exhales. (calms the nervous system)Short exhales and long inhales..(stimulates the nervous system) equal inhales and exhales(calms) what feels better.... explore different breathing techniques.

Move with awareness. Walk, run with complete presence.

Meditate... allow ALL thoughts to come in and the mind/body to clear them...

Be fully present.

Feel....feel everything that is going on... observe when you try to suppress something - either by distraction, drinking, eating... etc.. The moment we feel, we move on.... suppress a feeling we stagnate...

Immerse yourself in Nature.

Be grateful, for the tiny things and the big things and everything inbetween.

Be Kind.


Bring your hands to your heart and breathe. Be still

Movement classes - come join me!

Introducing a new class at North Cadbury Village hall, 9am Wednesday

if you are looking for some gentle, yet powerful movement to bring you back to centre then please Drop in for a class, we would love to see you! See other class options on class page!

Or if a lesson/class in your home is preferable, please get in touch to arrange.

I love this photo of the sheep... the light shining in just highlights their magic wonder. The animals bring me back to centre very fast... no time for thinking out in the paddock! Contemplation but not thinking! As you can see we have had to pop gates everywhere... they are little wonderers... wherever a gap.. they nuzzle their way through!

A journey in Being - coaching out of the uncomfortable and into the comfortable!

We heal, when we feel. When we feel we are able to face our triggers and let them go... all stories and patterns dissolve the moment we do this.

In simple terms, absolutely everything is energy... the moment we shine our awareness on the areas that are stuck is the moment this energy starts to move again. When the energy is moving, we feel free, we feel able, we feel well, we feel connected.

For 1:1 sessions or group work please contact Nicks

I will be offering 'free' intro sessions for the month of July. (20-30 mins) Book now. :)

A little plea...

Ask questions. When something in you says, 'this does not feel right,' trust it. Start to ask questions. Start to explore around it and learn more so that you can make your own choice, your own decision.... EVEN if someone in a position of authority is telling you, you 'should!'

For us to really grow, to really heal, we have to take responsibility. We have to take responsibility for our choices, our health, our wants, needs, desires. We need to step into empowerment not just play the victim.... 'he/she told me, he is in a position of power, it's his/her fault.' Not true... take back your power, make your choices on what 'feels' good and right for you! If we all start doing this, we will return to our paths of truth and authenticity, bringing us back to connection, communication and compassion.

If something lifts your heart.... follow it. If something sinks it... ask questions or make changes till your heart starts to lift again - might be simply in your perception or it might be a physical change!

Keep your own side of the street clean.... if you find yourself lost in stories or other peoples stories... bring yourself back to centre and see where you can clean up areas of your own life...If it is already sparkling then stay centred and start creating, start exploring possibility and potential for the highest good of your side of the street, yourself and all those you encounter. Do this anyway.... The more of us that do this the larger the ripple effect of creativity and beauty that will spread out into the world... we are moving away from the world we have known for a long time, we are moving into something beautiful, something different... to be part of this we need to remain centred, connected and keep nurturing and realigning back to our truth. From this space we will not see the turmoil but the beauty arising. It really is the Lotus growing out of the muddy waters.

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