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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

"Instead of looking outward to the world for happiness, we need to turn inward;"

"Instead of looking outward to the world for happiness, we need to turn inward; it's only in that direction that we will fin everything we're looking for." The Greatest secret: Revealed. Rhonda Byrne.

Out of the Mud grows the Lotus... I love this reference because it resonates for one but for two it helps us to see the light in the darkness, the positive out of what 'seems' to be negative... we become aware of how we perceive the world. How we see things, effects us mentally, emotionally and physically. I can feel myself flowering out of the mud at this point in time. I can feel Truth worldwide immersing out of the mud, or out of the cocoon into a beautiful butterfly. I can feel colour, light, love coming into our world, our life. I can feel our hearts longing for the truth and for connection. As each petal of the Lotus unfolds, more beauty emerges. And it feels good. No evil can touch it, only Love.

For me, personally, I feel that I have just emerged rom a very 'sticky' muddy winter... we are are still in winter but the stickiness is dissolving and clearing. This winter I did my best to own all the feelings I had out with the herd... the exhaustion, the frustrations, the loneliness ... yes I ave shared how I feel with my close friends and considered giving the herd away out of exhaustion and feeling fed up but it was not until a few days ago that something shifted... I had allowed the feelings to exist. I had felt them. I had worked through them however uncomfortable and by doing that I came to a moment of clarity, healing, relief. It is ok. I surrender. Let go, Let God. And a feeling of trust came in that has allowed me to feel peaceful. To embrace and reconnect with the herd from a place of Love and to recognise I don't know the answer but I do know I love them and I do know I am good with them and I do know that if they are meant to move on that person or persons will show up. If they are to stay with me that piece of land, that support, that freedom and beautiful home that is easier to manage will show up... I am open to the flow and I am showing up. And each time I show up in a space of presence, a space of awareness, another petal starts to unfold. Where I am going... not a f.... clue.... but that is ok, because I trust.... everything is and is going to be ok. A little hunch is that the herd and I will create a vibe that is truly healing for many... something different but special.... that we will bring others into the herd as learning to show up with a horse that has trust issues and to find that trust is so rewarding empowering and magical.... A palomino perhaps. :) Who knows.... maybe it will unfold differently, I wonder.... But the more I trust that everything is taken care of the greater ease I feel in how it will unfold.

Where in your life do you feel a little lost? Where have you met blocks?

See if you can sit with it for a minute or two and then brings yourself into this moment only, seeing yourself as the Awaeness that you are.... who is aware of you being aware? Your Awareness. This Awareness is your present moment spot, where you connect to all that is, where everything that felt hard, becomes easier. The more we practice it the more fluid and flowing our lives become. Our thoughts are no longer ruling our mind, our presence is. Our presence, our Awareness becomes our mind. Expansive and rich in possibility and potential.

Close your eyes, connect to the breath, connect to stillness, take your awareness to the tip of the nose and say in your mind "I am Aware."

Holy Basil can be a wonderful herb to support us in calming our adrenals and our nervous system so that we can bring ourselves into a state of being and presence.

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