I believe we are moving into a beautiful new world … to get there the old world is going to get noisy and messy… I share areas I have been faced with over the last few years not to say they are fact but to say, ‘let’s question.’ Sometimes questioning leads us to places we want to keep shut and if that ‘feel’s right to you then listen to that. The truth I believe is not about the narratives but about feeling… what does truth feel like to us…. Truth is the wisdom of our hearts.
We are moving from intellect to wisdom…. Intellect separates and wisdom connects. And we connect through something beautiful, the Divine.
So first question I was pondering… is Climate change a hoax?
Who knows… what I know to be true is that we have become lazy and undisciplined and uncaring about our world. We have shut down to taking time on little details to care for our homes, our planet, ourselves and each other. We take but often forget to give.
If we could embrace recycling; producing less waste; drinking clean water; insisting on NO more toxins sprayed on our food (liable for most diseases today); on planting more native trees; on growing vegetables, fruits and herbs; on being more self sufficient; caring for our planet and living daily with gratitude for all it gives us, things may feel a little less unsettling. I imagine the climate would still change but perhaps not so dramatically. As CHANGE is our ONE certainty in life.
Is education as it is done ? I secretly hope so. Educating our kids on sex change at vulnerable ages, filling our schools with many teachers who would perhaps be better off in psychological care than looking after children and teaching subjects that were taught 30 years ago seems all very controlling and outdated. We wonder why history repeats itself…. We never move forward! How about we educate our kids to be empowered…. sewing, cooking, growing to eat, exercise, community, how to nourish the soil, electrics, plumbing, mechanics, carpentry, how to be kind, to listen, to be…. To learn about accounting, how to buy a flat/house, how to run a small business, how to, how to how to!
Is Child trafficking the richest illegal trade … over weapons and drugs… I would like to think not but I don’t know what is true. What I do know to be true is that it happens within the elite of this world as well as within the cartels. I know to be true that we all need to wake up, however hard it is to see what we have chosen not to see for too long. Is it all far away from us… not sure it is… think it is far closer to home than we think. Millions of children disappear every year…. Where do they go? We have to ask these questions, we have to face hard truths so that we can create better. We cannot fix or change the past but we can definitely create a world where none of this happens.
A film for us all to watch - Sound of freedom…. A site to explore www.thorn.org
Epstein documentary on Netflix…. Where has his list gone???
Is teaching kids in schools about sexual activity from the age of 8 child abuse… personally I feel yes… Has this suggestion come from the UN and the WHO…I keep reading that in places (not mainstream) but I don’t know if it is true. What I know to be true is that we need to question the mainstream narrative and start critical thinking again. Lawrence Fox is pushing hard for critical thinking in schools again and protecting our children. Maybe take a peak….
I do also feel true that having conversation again is really important. Rather than shutting each other down by saying it is conspiracy or needing to be so right that we cannot even here the other side. To be fair it does seem that conspiracy often transpires to be truth…. We could start looking into that!
I believe and feel to be true that children are here to be children, to remind us of innocence, play, connection, brilliance, magic and creativity… yet we seem to be shutting that down…why? Why do we box children into a classroom rather than exploring outside daily … connecting to Nature. Health and safety has become about control. Are we scared of their super powers…. Is someone out there scared of just how powerful we are when we are empowered and not playing the victim?
Is the narrative around adrenochrome true? Are satanic practices true among the elite and others? I don’t know.
Are people stealing babies for their beauty and to live longer? I don’t know but again many articles out there say it to be true and more and more people seem to be referring to it…. Again these things need to be explored and conversed. Even if one thinks it is bullshit… We must start listening to each other again. Narratives come from somewhere!
Have we allowed language to get insane with pronouns and beings identifying as all sorts and changing sex without really considering the FACT that we all go through experimental stages ESPECIALLY between 13 and 25….. can we not just allow everyone to explore and be unique without naming them a they or them or a penguin?! Just get on with being with whatever you want to be but without the drama? The drama, encouraged by schools, parents and governments, is causing the conflict. We need to STOP REACTING (that is a note to me too!) And let kids be. It is creating a very dangerous divide.
Are there clones of famous people? Probably… we can do crazy shit now.
Are we moving into a quantum world…. I reckon… not sure what it looks like but I do feel so. Is that true? Again I don’t know… but feels true to me. The narrative is there. Science is beyond Quantum now just the mainstream narrative is still stuck in the past. Medicine has some amazing things ready to share with us all…. Explore what quantum science has to offer us… I wonder why we know so little about it…
Big Pharma?
Is the weather manipulated… I would like to believe not but to be honest it would not surprise me if that comes out in the near future. Like I said, we are able to do crazy things.
Is the world dominated by the elite few - probably…. Has their time run dry….i really hope so.
Are they connected to Epstein. Many are probably. Well I reckon. Will the list ever come out… I hope so… yet if it means we can just move on and forget them all and start afresh… then lets do just that.
Are we dying off because we eat chemicals? I do believe this to be true. Processed foods are NOT food. Read the ingredients every time… anything on there that is not recognised as food…leave it on the shelf! There are 64 sugars ….. FAKE sugars…. If you want sugar… eat ‘real’ sugar that you sprinkle on your cereal…. From a plant! Eat honey, maple syrup….. quit the shit.
Are we disempowered daily and encouraged to play the victim?… yup I feel this to be true… the news pours so much fear and negativity into our brains, our bodies go into survival and permanent stress… a clever manoeuvre to keep creative beings, shut down and controlled. We will go pop at some point though, Sadly this pop is often through disease! Will we start to become more aware, more empowered, take back our control? I believe so… we have the choice to do just that so I guess it will be exactly that… continue as we are or take back our power and create a world where we connect, come together and create… create from our hearts and wisdom rather than intellect and greed. If we let the heart lead our intellect it will look VERY different. It is already starting to look very different….find the people living from their hearts.
Learning - learn what interests you not what you feel you ‘should’ know so you can ‘look’ or ‘sound’ good. Feeding energy to the same energy over and over keeps literally everything stagnant! Branch out. Read what lifts your heart! Let your heart lead! That I believe to be true for a new future.
Are there some pretty cool people changing our world?… I believe so… is it true…to me, yes. It feels very true. I also feel the people that have been ‘shamed’ or ‘ruined’ the most by the media are the ones doing their utmost to wake up the sleepy.
Is being Vegan better than being a meat eater? Does it make you a better person? That does not feel true to me. I don’t believe we are better or worse than another…. We just need to eat ‘whole foods and foods that are everything about welfare, true welfare.’ Some of us need meat, others not. As Zach Bush said , it is not about a diet being better than another, it is about what you eliminate on that diet…. Processed foods. Do we feel better when we don’t eat packaged foods. Absolutely. They are not whole food as Nature gifted.
What I do know in my heart and it keeps being validated by others in my field but with huge followings(!) is that our world is at a crossroads and we are moving into new times and leaving a lot of old shitty stuff behind. To do this though we all have to step on the path of empowerment… to listen to our hearts daily, minute by minute…taking back our lives, our health, our hearts. Asking ourselves daily… “what do I believe to be true.” What makes my heart sing? How can I show up as the best version of myself today? What do I need to feel that is holding me back…. Do not ask the news… or others…. You can look and read but that is not the truth… the only truth is what is true to you. FEEL it. When your heart opens, gives and sings… that is what is connected to the Universal truth. We all have something to share and we can only share it when we align with what is true. And to align with our truth we need to FEEL again.
We will get knocked off centre while we find our strength and we can re centre every time. By grounding ourselves, breathing, journaling, changing our mind, believing in the ‘impossible’, taking time to be, to rest our nervous system.. to reset.
The most important thing we can do in these times is breathe, to step away from judgement, to FEEL, to be grateful for EVERY moment, to forgive, to create, to connect,
to listen, to be and to LOVE.