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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

We are a human being after all ...

Moving from a state of doing all the time to 'being' can feel uncomfortable, weird, unsettling... from an incredibly young age we are encouraged and often told, to do, to do more. To sit and 'be' was and still is to many an absolutely insane suggestion. Yet, if we look at every other being on our planet, they take time in their moments to rest, to do, to rest, to do, to rest, to do... yet, we human beings get so lost in doing that we have no idea or an incredibly hard time to comprehend embracing being. And often even when we think we are resting we are creating stress and fight/flight/ freeze response simply by our thoughts!

This constant 'doing' is not only damaging each individual self but also humanity as a whole as it creates disconnect, separation and loneliness. If we took more time to sit, breathe, move gently, be, converse, drink tea and RELAX we would feel more connected, we would no longer feel lonely but part of an enormous whole. We would see every body, human, animal, fish, bird etc as a being.... rather than a horse, dog, cat, catfish, black person, white person, yellow person, sunburnt person... we would see everyone and everything as an energy, a being of light, a being just like us. We would be connected through our hearts and not the judgments or conditioned belief patterns of our disconnected world.

It feels so much hurt is caused by 'descriptive adjectives' about each other and yet if we don't address each other as the other expects we are so cruel, rude, racist, sexist etc.... but ultimately if we saw each other as 'being's and 'beings' that are connected in all that we do, think and say, we would not be bothered by words. Words are language and language for us humans is communication. Looking at each other as beings brings us together and leaves no room for judgements or conflicts only equality, respect, love, kindness, forgiveness and moving ONWARDS.

We are encouraged to judge one another in all fields of systematic life; to like or dislike a post or thought we might share... but what if we chose to focus only on that which lifts us and let go of all that doesn't. Not to like or dislike but to simply observe, consider and take or leave. Remove judgment, there is no conflict, only peace.

When we react to something with anger or frustration, we are stepping into a human doing again... when we step back, find stillness, breathe and observe, we respond or sometimes 'do' nothing, simply find acceptance in being. Both of these come from a place of presence, of human being ness, rather than the over stimulated, over charged, human doing.

We are all different and yet we are all connected. Divide and conquer, compete at all costs does not be proving to work for humanity or Mother Nature and all the millions of gifts she shares with us. Let us come together, strengthen the bonds, the friendships that feel rich to you... love and let go of those that don't... you might cross paths again.... you might not... but every encounter we have with another being, furry or not, fleshy or scaly or not... 2,legged, 8 legged, four legged or not... is an encounter to learn from. To go ... umm that felt kind of separate I will let that go or I feel so grounded, connected, will give that more of my energy..

We are so quick to criticise, to complain, to see the wrong in another.... we must come aware of these traits, see the triggers, heal the triggers and start to compliment, connect, consider, listen and step into an unconditional cycle of giving and receiving, giving and receiving, giving and receiving. In this space, we will heal not only ourselves in the presence of each other but we will heal and transform the space for humanity and all beings... from greed and control to loving, sharing and freedom.

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