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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

What is truth?

Out with the herd the other day, this question came to mind. I was pondering the conversations I had been involved in or observed and found myself thinking how extraordinary it is that we humans like to make other people's truths our own. What is wrong with putting our energy into our own truth? Is it because we have been drawn away from our hearts knowing and wishes and into our heads to such an extent that we do not even know our own truth anymore?

Of course, often people's words and sharing are from a place of kindness and love but is it the truth? Is it the subjects truth? Is it their own truth? OR is it a perceived interpretation of what was at some point somebody's truth shared?

Over the past three years I have started to question everything... everything I have learnt and explored... of course there is truth in what we learn but is it our truth? Our truth is actually our own experience. What we are experiencing in each moment... another person's truth is what they are experiencing in that moment and we might both be doing exactly the same thing but having a TOTALLY different experience of what is our truth. What has been true for one and written as 'law' might not be true for another, who might be experiencing everything but what they have read and been 'told' is true. And then the insanity of this is often if they share this 'new' truth with someone, they are told they are making up something or lying, or it simply can't be true because it has not been accepted as fact! As we know though, often what is true for one becomes truth for many as time moves on. Why do we need to wait till enough people say, ''its' true." Why can we not simply hear other people's truth, if it resonates maybe explore and expand, if it doesn't listen with respect and move on to what is true for you.

It has made me really consider the importance of simply listening... observing... and checking in with what each moment feels to me... good... not so good... etc.. and responding from there. What feels good is true... what does not feel good is not true for me. So many of us have lost touch with feeling or listening to what our instinct is saying and that is where our truth lies.

My day to day with the herd is a good example. I have been told by many in the 'know' that the way I keep them must 'be so difficult' because of their varying sizes and the habitat I have for them .... yet, no-one asks me 'how is it with your herd?' No-one asks what my truth with them is.... they must be bored because they aren't ridden... nope.... they must be too fat because they are on grass... nope.... they must be.... nope... of course I 'hear' all the possibilities because they have been true for many and I am very aware that each day will bring me different truths but what I find fascinating is that those that 'know' will not allow for open conversation, to explore the 'fact' that I spend a lot of time with them every day... that I interact, listen and allow them to guide me, every day of their needs. Have I misread... yes at times... but that is life... we learn every time. And I can share my truth with others in hope it will inspire others to do similar... but I know that their experience will be different to mine IF they follow their heart, their truth... so truth is expansive, creative, beautiful when we really tune into it and allow it to flow.

I have also been alerted recently from a few encounters and conversations of how we are failing the younger generation by prohibiting them from speaking their truth... expressing their truth. We ask them for the truth... they give it and then we punish them.... How is that encouraging the young to speak the truth? As adults we fail them over and over, unable to admit we have messed up and share our truth... yet they 'know' because they are so deeply connected before the conditioning takes over! Why can't we just say 'sorry, I was wrong'... or 'this is the truth... not easy to hear but it is the truth.....' And what is so nuts is that the moment we start speaking our truth we are reconnected to our hearts and when we speak from our hearts, we are kinder, more compassionate, more forgiving, more accepting, more truthful! And it FEELS good!

The media and many in charge have caged us into a way of living that encourages us to lie so that boxes can be ticked and 'people can look good or powerful' but look what is has done... every system is unravelling at high speed, people are miserable and relying on a cocktail of medication to get out of bed in the morning and there is a great sense of loss. Why? Because no-one is telling their truth... everyone is too nervous to say their truth. I admit freely in certain company, I keep my mouth firmly shut... I have tried numerous times to share 'my truth' and it is shut down as an untruth or 'bit odd'. Maybe it is to them but we must be able to hold space for each other to share each others truths. That is conversation and to do it with respect. Ultimately our truths are individual and from our own experiences.... and the only way we can grow is to listen, feel and take what feels true for us.

We might swallow our truth because it is going to make us 'feel' uncomfortable because our mind says 'you should be shameful' or 'you will be judged' or 'people will think bad of you.' In these moments we need to tell our mind, thanks but no thanks... I am going to feel the discomfort of being judged or that of shame and share my truth! Watch the shifts happen. Watch the flow start to increase. Watch life unfold in ways you never thought possible... watch yourself reconnect to the beautiful. The truthful. IF people slam you down once too often, find peace there and focus your energy elsewhere. Sometimes the truth is too much to bare. When you see a kid being asked to tell the truth... and they do... make sure they are rewarded for that, not punished. If they did something that made another feel bad, then 'talk' them through it... guide them through it to be kinder, more loving, more accepting. There is another way to helping people through especially when they have told the truth, their truth!

When you watch the news, or read articles, or learn new things, or breeze through twitter, facebook, instagram and/or tik tok, ask yourself before you believe what you are seeing, does this feel true to me....? It might simply be entertainment but the moment you take it in to then share with others, take on the responsibility of asking yourself... before I share this... is it really true? What we share has powerful implications... we need to take responsibility for that...

Truth is like love, it is light, it is powerful and it will always shine through.

Much love and light to you all.

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