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Writer's pictureNicks Corbett

When did critical thinking become conspiracy theory?

It is slightly alarming how terrified many are to use their common sense and to ask questions. Over the last couple of years anyone asking a question or questioning the mainstream narrative has been slammed. I know, because my husband, myself and my kids have experienced it. It has highlighted how deeply programmed our society has become. When did we allow ourselves to be brainwashed?

A few things that could have a few more questions asked....

1.Elon Musk.... he has brought conversation back through buying twitter... yet the mainstream are trying to shut him down. Why? Is not the bonus of a democratic society that we all have the ability to share our voice? It seems that those that have been in power over the last 100 years want only one conversation... one that is divisive and destructive and beneficial to the elite few...

2.The energy crisis.... how is it we can watch the energy companies release their enormous profits to the public, yet on the same bit of paper announce how people will struggle to pay and old people will get sick, even die from the cold because they will not turn their heating on. Are we hearing what we are saying??? Are we seeing what we are seeing??? Or are we so brainwashed we just talk on repeat what we are told in the papers and then by those parrots that repeat and repeat? Will we as humanity, really allow old people to die in their homes, for families to self destruct because they cannot pay the bills, for small businesses to go bust while the elite few fill their pockets even more....? Will we REALLY allow that? Please can someone explain to me.... how did we become so enslaved??? We need to untie the cords and walk towards freedom in masses. The time is now!

3.Peodophilia/child trafficking/ child abuse... so for years people have turned a blind eye but now it is so in our face we cannot ignore it. It is rife from the elite few all the way into society. But if we stop it from the top it will dissolve throughout. How is it no-one has asked the question in the mainstream how a woman can be convicted of child trafficking and other horrors inflicted on kids but have no clients....? Is it because these clients are supposedly untouchable??? I am talking about Maxwell and Epstein if you are blank about who I am writing about.

How is it that the government allows, even encourages parents to mutilate their kids from as young as 3 years old to transition into another sex. And the evidence suggests that by 23 these kids either regret it or commit suicide. Not all of course but enough for it to be alarming! Surely, to make such a life changing decision, having a hysterectomy or taking hormone pills to change sex completely is a decision made in adulthood when you have experimented and explored life as a teenager.... which we ALL do. Many of us might have dabbled in sexual activities that were definitely a phase ... so why on earth are we as a society allowing this abuse to happen.

4.Why are we feeding our kids the story of victimisation. Allowing them to get lost in identity changing.... let them just be who they want to be and get on with life. One reason they are depressed and confused is because education is boring (same line as we were taught 30 years ago) and it has moved on. They are learning more than the teachers can share from social media... we need to keep up and progress with them! Why not teach these kids things that empower them and prepare them for the world. Sorry, but its time to let go of the past with deep respect and gratitude for those that fought for us to get here but we must now live in the present and create a future from here. Because history repeats itself because we are living it! Something else to consider... why do those that supposedly protect and support us want to keep us in this cycle of past.... we can be controlled and brainwashed would be the conclusion I would come to, looking at the population today.

5.Women have been given so much 'power' that they can 'accuse' boys incredibly flippantly without any consideration for the destruction they will create for those boys. In doing so they are not actually powerful but have been disempowered and victimised. Boys, don't know how to be men anymore because any act of chivalry is slammed by the female sex to be degrading. It is f... insane! I and many, many others, like to have the door held open for me, I like to feel like a woman because a man has shown to care or has observed that I look pretty. I don't see it as pervy or slamming. And that is where it ends. It is just a very natural interaction between the male and female which we have pushed out of society. 99 percent of men just want to enjoy female company and yes, probably admire and find sexy and beautiful, because it is in the DNA! If you look at the natural world (which most are so detached from) that is what animals do... and whether we like it or not we are still animals!

So lets say, as a woman, I decide to flaunt myself across social media and to go out wearing very little, I will own that. I have a responsibility to be able to handle the attention I attract because I know that men like women! If I feel that I am unable to say No to a mans advances then I need to know that too... so I do not put myself in a position where I cannot say no - this would be deep subconscious beliefs that 'I am not enough', lets say ... if I know my boundaries are strong and I am going to say yes to a drink and a chat and that is all, I will be making sure that is the message I will give straight off... if they choose to walk off because they want more... whatever their choice! If however, I use them to buy me drinks and flirt outrageously and say no, but give signs of 'yes' but then flirtatiously say no... I have to take responsibility that I am giving very mixed messages to the man! Is it yes, or is it NO! And it is at this point, women need to be empowered... why do they feel the need to play that game? Why do they want to try and trip the man up? What is really going on??? Can we please ask a few more questions rather than just putting everything in a box! If I got myself into a situation that I regretted the next day... it is my responsibility to own that. To feel the shame or responsibility. It is not a place for me to avoid my shame and embarrassment and blame him for sexual assault or worse rape. When did these words get thrown around so casually. When did we take it away from women to grow and to heal and to transform into the feminine power they are. There is a need for the masculine and there is a need for the feminine both physically and from an energetic perspective for each person.

If a girl or woman is so insecure or has a lack of worth that prohibits her from saying no... we need to help her find her inner voice, her confidence... to empower her to know she is enough. Not victimise her and say, 'hey babe, get out there... let your insecurities go and however it pans out you are covered!' NO! She needs to walk out there, knowing she is gorgeous, knowing she is safe, knowing she is respected and in that knowing men will know all of that too and adore and admire her and move alongside her in a respectful beautiful way. And for the record ... there is absolutely NO place for a man to 'rape' a woman ... what I am referring to here is the day to day flirting and interactions that are now seen as rape and assault. Which, actually takes the attention away from the women who have been abused and raped and ruined.

The government is trying to belittle boys .... even says in the government guidelines...'boys being boys..' ... what about 'girls being girls'... they can sexually abuse boys often. In fact it happens a lot but we don't hear about that do we... and again when we do... somehow the law turns it to protect the girls. It truly is not supporting women... men will not want to have anything to do with women if we are not careful. And when we finally wake up to being human beings not human sheep we will need the men, because whether women like it or not, when we allow space for men to be men, it is in their DNA to look after their women and their families. This does not mean that women are not EQUAL.... but the way we are going ... it is just deepening the divide and shying away from equality.

What happened to the idea of getting to know one another, to having respect for one another, to taking responsibility for one's own actions?

Next subject... where no questions were allowed...

Vaccines.... so much divide and destroy around these.... vaccines and medicine are great... but why did it suddenly go from choice to if you don't you are a murderer....?! First time in medical history. And yet, proof suggests, that if you have had covid the blueprint is as effective if not more effective than the vaccine for covid. That is the beauty of the immune system.

Why is it that the side effects of the vaccine were never published until after mass vaccination programs had been delivered.... why is it many Dr's have not even seen the papers Pfizer was forced to publish.... why is it that the side effects are being ignored by everyone... can we not bare to think we might have been lied to? This is not conspiracy... this is truth... fact... the information is out there. We only have to look. Again, this is not saying they are bad... everyone had a choice and did what they felt was best for them.... but in the interim also condemned every person who wasn't vaccinated as being an awful human being. did we get that low?

I hope we will all soon wake up to the fear that has been installed upon us through the media and through the elite few in charge. I hope we will remember how wise and clever we are without the teachings of those that decide what we will learn and explore the teachings of the many people that have shared their wisdoms and findings that interest us. And then remember to listen to our greatest wisdom ... that which is within each of us and connected to our hearts. The moment we reconnect to our hearts, the fear melts away and control and programming diminish in their power.

We must wake up to the division being created in all areas of life and society and come together.... to see each other as another of our own self. If we don't like someone... they are usually highlighting a part of ourselves we don't like... if we are aware of that, we can face it, feel it and then let it go... that is healing... the more we heal ourselves, the more we contribute to the healing of the planet. Everything we think goes out into the void... so take stock of your thoughts and really make the effort to focus on thoughts that are rich in compassion, forgiveness, kindness and love. Let go of the conflict, the judgment and the fearful thoughts.

We must... must... step into a place of connection, communication and love.

Love and light to you all.

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